
Manufactured products

  • Ready to use culture media in petri-dishes for pharmaceutical industry
  • Ready to use culture media in petri-dishes for clinical microbiology
  • Ready to use culture media in petri-dishes for food control
  • Ready to use culture media in petri-dishes for water control
  • Ready to use culture media in petri-dishes acc. customer specification
  • DiaSimulator GUT – system for simulating processes in the gastrointestinal tract (GUT)
You can download the product catalog from here: Catalog

Modular system for simultaneous and consequent control and monitoring of processes of digestion of food comprising:

Modules for manual and automated control of vessels: temperature maintenance, homogenization, generating of anaerobic atmosphere, measuring and automated regulation of pH by adding of acids and bases, feeding of enzymes and buffer solutions, transfer of digested food between modules, sampling.

Software for programming of the food digestion in stomach, small intestine, colon with data saving. Simulating programs of digesting process in healthy people of different ages, pathologic disorders and digestion of different kind of foods.